Stress is the norm these days.
Somehow people have adapted to hectic lifestyles with more
things to do and less time to do them in. Our attempts now
are to avoid the serious side of stress -overwhelm and fear.
We can do natural things on a daily basis at home to prevent
getting into this state - or allay the problems that arise
when overwhelm and fear do take over.
Many times overwhelm and fear originate from the physical
body, and have nothing to do with emotional or mental
issues. We would call this "metabolic in origin".
In Chinese medicine fear is associated with the kidneys.
When there is a lack of "chi", "energy", or "vital force" in
the kidneys, the feeling of fear can result.
If you have ever had any experiences of irrational fear, or
feeling overwhelmed when things don't seem to warrant it,
you might have low "kidney chi" or stressed kidneys.
Besides overwhelm and fear, there are other things that low
"kidney chi" can create in the body:
- Bags under the eyes
- Always feeling cold
- Low back aches (area over the kidneys)
- Confusion, mental fog
- Difficulty sleeping
- Feeling insecure
Along with a prolonged state of stress, there are many
foods that negatively impact the kidneys. They are:
- Sweets
- Dairy
- Too much salt
- Too many cold foods (or not eating enough hot foods)
- Caffeine
We need to take care of our kidneys (who ever thinks of
that?), especially during the winter months when they are
more prone to stress than any other time of year.
Here are simple, nurturing, at-home, remedies that can help
support your kidneys:
- Warm your kidneys
- Keep your back warm at all times. You may want to
take a "home-spa" break and lay on your bed or sofa with
a hot water bottle under your back. A hot water bottle
is better than a heating pad because it doesn't emit
electrical frequencies.
- Take a healing salt bath
- For these baths you want to use Sodium Chloride
and not Epsom Salts (Epsom Salts are magnesium
sulfate) This may sound like a lot of salt but it’s
because the goal here is to affect the osmotic
pressure. The high salt content in the water can
facilitate excess toxic body fluids to leave the
body through the skin and take the work load off of
the kidneys: Add 2-3 pounds of Sodium Chloride (some
people use water softener salt) to 24 gallons of
warm, but not too hot, bath tub water.
- Walk barefoot in the early morning dew for 5 minutes
- Exercise
- Eat the following foods:
- aduki beans, winter squash, brown rice, dark
leafy greens
- Use these
Young Living Products: K & B Herbal tincture
(internally), Juniper essential oil (topically over
kidney area or on the kidney reflex area of the foot)
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Direct comments or questions about this article, including
requests for reprint rights, to:
Marilee Tolen RN, HNC - Board
Certified Holistic Nurse
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