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Popping the Popcorn Myth
Marilee Tolen RN, HNC
HomeSpaLady™ |
How many times have we heard that popcorn is a good
healthy snack? It's a given! Popcorn has been a fun, healthy
snack since ancient civilization.
Americans are eating 17 billion quarts of popcorn a year.
How many of them do you think are microwaving their popcorn?
Probably most (not me - I don't own a microwave).
There are findings now that microwaving butter-flavored
popcorn can cause damage to our lungs.
The chemical of concern is in the artificial butter
flavoring and known as diacetyl. When heated the fumes are
reported to be toxic.
The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
discovered this when 31 people who worked at a popcorn
factory were diagnosed with severe lung disease. It has been
linked to breathing vapors from a butter flavoring. Eight
are on waiting lists for lung transplants.
This lung condition, known as bronchiolitis obliterans
(which translates to "destroying the lungs), is starting to
crop up in a variety of places throughout the country.
Meanwhile what are healthy ways to make popcorn?
Consider air popped popcorn as a healthier choice over the
microwaved style.
My favorite way of making popcorn is the old fashioned way
of popping in a pot on the stove. Organic popcorn kernels
popped in virgin coconut oil is one of the healthiest ways
of making popcorn today.
Here's a tip from Arrowhead Mill Organic Popcorn:
If there are too many unpopped kernels left in the popper,
the popcorn may be dried out too much. Put the bag in the
freezer for a few hours or overnight. This puts moisture
back into the kernels.
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Marilee Tolen RN, HNC - Board
Certified Holistic Nurse
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