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Seven Suggestions for Sinus Sufferers

By Marilee Tolen RN, HNC

Suffering from sinus problems stinks.

The worst part is the headache that won't go away.

Although you like to do things naturally you find yourself so uncomfortable that you run to the nearest Rite-Aid or Eckerd Drugs (you don't have to run too far, they are on every other block) to buy over the counter (OTC) meds just to get some relief.

Your headache feels only slightly better, the side effects of the OTC meds make you feel sick in a different way and you wonder if it was worth it.

You consider breaking down and going to the doctor who will probably give you an antibiotic that will rip out your entire terrain of good bacteria that is working hard to fight an infection.

Then you counteract the effects of the antibiotics by popping acidophilus pills and eating gobs of plain yogurt.

Your stomach is upset and again you wonder if it was worth it.

All of this while living your very busy life and you find yourself saying "how did I even get through this day?"

"I wish there is something that I can do so I don't feel so bad and have to get to the point of actually considering putting chemicals in my body."

Can any of you relate to this scenario?

There is something - actually, some "things" - that you can do on your own naturally to stop the sinus suffering as well as prevent it.

Here are my "Seven Suggestions for Sinus Sufferers" ~

If you do these things individually they can be very helpful. If you do them all simultaneously they are sure to help.

  1. Eliminate Causative Foods. . .
    . . .these are most often sugar, refined carbs, dairy (especially aged cheeses), and alcohol. Want to know the worst combo? Wine eaten with aged cheese and a sugary desert!
  2. Use a Neti Pot for Nasal Irrigation. . .
    . . .this is a great way to give a little bath to the mucous membranes of the sinuses. Sinuses are dark moist environments made up of mucous membranes that can be a breeding ground for unwanted microbes. When there is an overgrowth of these germs, sinus problems and infections ensue.
  3. Humidify OR Dehumidify Your Environment. . .
    . . .if you live in a dry environment and need more moisture, humidify your living space - and if humid and damp - which can breed fungus and mold, dehumidify.
  4. Get Rid of Mold in Your Environment. . .
    . . .with the best product that has been researched and scientifically proven to be naturally effective against mold - Thieves Essential oil. Diffuse it.
  5. Keep Your House Free from Dust. . .
    . . .this isn't about running around dusting all of the time. It's about taking measures to create an ongoing dust-free environment. Diffusing your essential oils can help minimize particles and dust along with killing unwanted microbes in your environment
  6. Inhale Essential Oils. . .
    . . .the absolute best way to get rid of those pathogenic microbes (aka "the bad bugs"), that hang out in your nasal passages and sinuses. Doing this in conjunction with the Neti Pot is powerful! Great oils to use are peppermint, ravensara, RC, and Raven (YL blends). (Use only therapeutic grade oils! YLEO!)
  7. Cleanse Your Colon. . .
    . . .this will amaze you. When I was offering Colon Hydrotherapy at my Wellness Center this is the one benefit that was evident among just about everyone - sinus drainage and breathing easier. The first noticeable benefit of mechanical colon cleansing (vs. nutritional by mouth) was sinuses draining.

For those of you who have sinus problems, here is the important question to answer (and I can pose this to you as a nurse and a certified colon therapist) - are you constipated?

People that have sinus problems are frequently dealing with constipation. If you are curious as to that connection, here are two reasons why:

  • in Chinese Medicine breathing mechanisms and the colon go together (Lung and Large Intestine share the same meridian)
  • Bernard Jensen (nutritionally oriented chiropractor who authored many books, and a proponent of colonics) taught that there were reflex points in the large intestine that related to the sinuses.

Don't want to do the mechanical colon cleanse (colonic or home enema)? I think the Cleansing Trio is a great cleanse from Young Living.


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Direct comments or questions about this article, including requests for reprint rights, to:

Marilee Tolen RN, HNC - Board Certified Holistic Nurse

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