Carolyn DeMarco MD and Marilee Tolen
RN - Summer 2008
may know about Carolyn from her
other work. . . .
Replay available until midnight Jan 1 2009
follow the link in the registration process
Dr. DeMarco seen
here with Homeopath Dr. Bryce Wylde
Personal note from Marilee.............
"Ladies! this is a most important topic
that all of us should be paying close attention
Please make sure you avail yourself to this
information, and I also want you to know that as
the year ends here and we go into a new year I
will be having a new model of offering great
content such as this for you special
subscribers. My live show interviews will
always be free for you and replay access will be
I am so excited about this program that I have
set up for you - you will be able to access all
of my past shows ongoing - so stay tuned and
look for invitations from me to join my Inner
Wishing all of you the most happy, healthy, and
wealthy New Year!
Blessings and love,
Replay available
Home Spa Lady's
"Inner Circle"
Click Here For Details
Click here for MP3 - Only $14.95! |
Marilee Tolen RN, HN-BC
Host, "Green Tea with Marilee" Show
Please. . . . join us for tea! Green
Tea, that is!
The "Green Tea with Marilee" Show presents natural health
tips, product reviews, and interviews with alternative
health and holistic nutrition experts.