Susan and Denny Waxman
Founders, Strengthening Health Institute
Internationally Known Experts in Macrobiotics
This show's topic:
"Visual Diagnosis and Macrobiotic Philosophy"
You will
What to look for when doing Visual Diagnosis and
You will hear:
About the upcoming live and in-person event where you can have hands on
training in
Visual Diagnosis
directly with Denny and Susan.
Denny and Susan's teaching
at SHI in Philadelphia . .
Replay available
Home Spa Lady's
"Inner Circle"
Click Here For Details
Click here for MP3 - Only $14.95! |
Marilee Tolen RN, HNC, CHTP/I
Host, "Green Tea with Marilee" Show
Please. . . . join us for tea! Green
Tea, that is!
The Green Tea with Marilee Show presents natural health
tips, product reviews, and interviews with alternative
health and holistic nutrition experts.