Is this course
for me? Maybe you're a nurse, doctor, therapist, educator,
healer, massage therapist, nutritionist, network marketer,
health care business or spa owner, or even a smart stay at
home mom. You have something that the world wants and needs.
You've gathered your wisdom, experience, knowledge
(especially "inside" knowledge), from your profession,
practice, or life experience and have created, or want to
create, a program, system, technique, diet, product, idea,
course, or book.
Or you might already have a program or practice firmly in
place and you want it to be farther reaching without
spending an arm and leg on advertising.
You want to "package" what you know in a way that you can
streamline it through the internet. All you need is to find
out how - without stopping the work you are already doing
and spending a zillion dollars.
Why should I
learn internet marketing?
To create another stream of income that is aligned with
your current practice. . .so you can take your work to the
next level.
To build or promote your current practice. . .so you can
increase your exposure and client base and offerings.
To lay the groundwork for a new career or slowly
transition your current career toward on the net . . .so you
can be more independent financially.
To work from the comfort of your home while you continue
to work. . . so you can save money and time in travel.
To create income now that will continue to flow in in
later years. . .so you don’t have to keep working so hard.
What are some of
the things I will learn?
- *If you even need a website to get started - NO!
- *What is the difference between a web designer and
an internet marketer.
- How to pick a name for your website and purchase it
so it belongs to you.
- What is a blog, why you would want one, and how to
start one for free.
- How to get the search engines to love your blog and
- How to get people to visit your website and blog so
they get to know about you, your practice, read your
materials and visit your store, and buy from you.
- Create and develop your own products (i.e.-
meditation CDs, ebooks, video, audio) so you can sell at
events or give away as promotional items.
- How to create an automated learning course for your
students, clients, prospects.
- Start a newsletter, create an ezine, write an
- Write articles and submit them to article
- How to brand yourself and establish yourself as an
- Put a store up on your website with your products
Who is teaching
this course?
This course is facilitated by Marilee. She has pulled
together the top industry leaders - the people the experts
train with - to present to you in a LIVE format their area
of expertise.
Some of these people are untouchable (unless you are
willing to spend literally thousands of dollars - such as
$54,000 to train with Tom Antion for example). They are the
most sought after trainers in the industry today.
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Here is the line up of experts who you
will learn from:
Tom Antion - Nine
Revenue Streams Using the Internet

Tom owns and operates the Great Internet
Marketing retreat Center - the only facility of its of its
kind in the world. He wrote the book "Click: The Ultimate
Guide to Electronic Marketing for Small Businesses" .He
is the also the author of the "Wake 'em Up Video
Professional Speaking System" and publisher of the
largest Emagazine in the world on professional level public
speaking. His website got Best-of-the-Web in Inc. Magazine.
Tom was chosen by MSNBC to do an on-the-air critique of
President Bush's presentation skills. He consults to Jack
Canfield of "Chicken Soup for the Soul" Mega Series.
Joan Stewart -
How To Get The Publicity You Deserve for Your Holistic
Practice or Business

Joan is a publicity expert known as The Publicity Hound. Her
internet marketing business is extremely successful and her
ezine has a circulation of more than 28,000 subscribers
worldwide. She shows people how to use free publicity to
establish credibility, enhance reputation and position
themselves as experts to help them sell more products or
services, promote a favored cause or issue, or position
companies as an employer of choice.
Learn more about Joanà
Jeff Herring "The Article Guy" -
Article Writing
Secrets to Promote Your Holistic Health Care Practice

Jeff helps entrepreneurs and small business owners create
dynamic articles that attract prospects, publicity and
profits. For the last 11 years Jeff has written a weekly
column for Knight-Ridder/Tribune Media Service that is
distributed to newspapers nationally and internationally.
out Jeff Herringà

Ellen Violette -
Write Your Own Ebook!
"The 7 Biggest Mistakes People Make
Authoring an Ebook and How to Avoid Them"
Violette, The eBook Coach, is the creator of the Quick-Start
3-Day eBook Authoring Workshop- a one-of-a-kind PROVEN
authoring program that is turning people into successful
authors in 72 hours or less!
She's also the creator of eBook Profit
Marketing Secrets: 10 Easy-to-Follow Lessons to Building a
Successful Internet Business From the Ground Up. And she
coaches and mentors individual clients as well.
She’s co-written an ebook with Internet Guru
Jim Edwards that is soon to be released called Sell More
eBooks Low and No cost tactics to explode your ebook sales
and downloads. And, She’s also the author of The eBook
Journal For Authoring Success, “The Moving Cure, How
To Organize Your Move To Save Time, Money & Your Sanity”,
as well as being a co-contributor to the #1 best-selling
book Wake Up Live the Life You Love, Finding Freedom.
Ellen’s mission is to give authors,
entrepreneurs, speakers and coachings creative and financial
control over their lives by giving them all the tools they
need to create ebooks and information products and market
them effectively including not only her workshops, audios
and ebooks, but services including transcriptions audio
recording and editing, and information creation and web
packages. She is also creating
Ellen is also a Grammy-nominated songwriter and accomplished
See more on Ellen à
Paulette Ensign
How the Holistic Health
Care Professional Can
Create A Tips
Marketing is important too!
Learn how to promote your work and practice with your own
tips booklet with tips booklet expert Paulette Ensign.
Paulette Ensign has personally sold well over a million
copies of her own tips booklet, '110 Ideas for Organizing
Your Business Life,' without spending a penny on
advertising. She did this with no business training, and
enough guts and natural irreverence to figure it all out as
she went. With a sense of humor and a 'can-do' attitude,
Paulette now shares her experiences with clients and
audiences worldwide, through her consulting, speaking, and
teleclass services and products
Take a peek at Pauletteà
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Testimonials |
Introduction to
Internet Marketing Course
Hear what people have to say about
Introduction to Internet Marketing Course: |

Linda L. Smith RN, MS, HNC, CHTP/I, CCA
Listen to Linda's testimonial
Thank you for a wonderful and worthwhile course. I have
practiced internal, preventive, and addiction medicine for
over 30 years. I am well trained and credentialed in
conventional medicine, and have a special interest and
expertise in integrative medicine including use of essential
oils and acupuncture. Because of a serious back problem, I
was out of commission for awhile and now that I'm back I
must choose carefully what I spend my time on. As a
physician my goal is to empower people to be as healthy as
they can as naturally as possible.

E. Joan Barice, MD, MPH
Hear Joan's Audio Testimonial |
I've got lots of good information to share, but needed help
sharing with a wider audience and getting myself out there.
I knew the internet might be helpful but it was an unknown,
a mystery, to me.
That is, until I took your Introduction to Internet
Marketing Course. The course opened up a whole new world of
internet marketing. It broadened my perspective, and I'll
never be the same again! I heard this analogy once, but
don't remember the source: it was like going from viewing
one's world as the inside an airplane cabin to viewing it as
the universe! The course was just the thing I needed! You
shared exactly what I needed to know, but didn't know where
to start. You made it fascinating, fun, easy, understandable
and it was filled to the brim with valuable, useful
information. More than I could possibly apply at once, but
best of all, available to review again anytime I wanted to
in the future, as well as an invitation to attend future
classes without charge. And plenty to whet the appetite for
more. You generously shared your knowledge - you are a great
teacher! Thanks for being accessible during the course - you
were a big help to me. The interaction with the class was
also a plus.You brought in terrific experts we needed to
know about and learn from. Now I have an internet presence,
and the tools I need to grow in internet marketing in the
future. Marilee, thank you so much for offering this course.
I'm so glad I took it, and I highly recommend it to others.

Muffy Williams, RN; BS
Upper New York State
Reiki Master, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner,
Touch for Animals Practitioner
Listen to Muffy's testimonial
Marilee's Introduction to Internet Marketing teleseminar
opened the door to a world that I never knew existed.
Because I was so new to this, I really appreciated Marilee's
systematic approach, her informal yet organized way she
presented the classes and the quality of presenters. I was
able to build on my knowledge from week to week and, if
questions came up, I was able to listen to the recorded
section for that week as well as refer to my notes. This
format also allows great freedom as you can listen in from
the comfort of your home and follow along via the computer
to check things out right then and there. I love the idea
that, as a graduate, I can take this course again for free;
it will be an opportunity for me to put more pieces of my
puzzle together. Thanks, Marilee!
Rachel A. Rasmussen
StarburstRAR: Healing & Transformation Arts
Healing Touch for Animals Practitioner,
Certified Healing Touch Practitioner
Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, Health Kinesiologist, Licensed Massage
"I have holistic healing practice working with both people and animals. I
signed up for Marilee’s Intro to Internet Marketing course to help me “think
outside the box” to grow my practice – and, boy, did it ever! I’ve got ideas and aha’s oozing out of my pores! The course came at a great time for me, because
I’m just now starting to think about how to spread the word about my practice –
and since I do distance healing, the internet is a great place to connect with
people. But . . . despite being a computer tech-y, I simply had no idea about
how to connect with people on the internet. Now, after taking the course, I’ve
got plenty of ideas on how to use the internet to market my holistic practice,
as well as to generate income from selling my expertise in information products.
And I’m SO glad that I can be a “fly on the wall” and listen in on future IIM
courses – because there was so much information covered in the course, that I
know I’ll benefit from another round as I move from planning to implementing!
Thanks, Marilee!"
Rachel A. Rasmussen

Karen Belyan, Reiki Master
Listen to Karen's testimonial
I was the different one in the group. Most of our class
participants were holistic nurses, doctors, YL distributors,
and those involved in healing modalities. Although I do
practice “hands-on-healing,” and I am a YL distributor, and
a Reiki Master, those modalities were not my main focus of
wanting to do internet marketing. I have been a corporate
trainer for the past 20 years. I want to take the programs I
designed for businesses and facilitate those programs for
individuals on the internet through what I call teletraining
programs. I wasn’t sure Marilee’s program
would benefit me, but because I trust her so
much, I took her advice and signed up. It
was the best thing I could possibly do for
my “new career.” The activities and the
professional guests were the best I have
encountered, and that’s quite a compliment
coming from a peer trainer. I will encourage
anyone and everyone to sign up for this
class!!!!!! Thank you, Marilee. You have a
vested interest now in my success!!!
Karen Belyan
Christine Hankerson, MSN RN
Never in my wildest imagination did I realize all the
opportunities available to me regarding the Internet. I
thought I would have a web site designed and start having
people access the various products I am passionate about.
Little did I know when I signed on for Marilee's class, all
the new possibilities that would be open to me. Each week
provided new words and avenues to explore from the many
experts that shared with our group. I have page after page
of notes that will provide me with guidance about the
Internet. I have a new set of phrases and ways to market my
passion for health and wellness on the Internet, to reach an
audience much broader than I ever could have imagined. I
also love that Marilee has offered to allow her alumni to
attend future classes forever to help us assimilate and
review this material and new material from her experts.
Don't hesitate, sign-up, fasten your seatbelt because you
are in for one wild and exciting ride! Thanks Marilee.
Maggie Burgisser, RDH, MAA, CC,
Voorhees, NJ
Healthy Images, LLC
Listen to Maggie's testimonial
Dear Marilee,
I have spent thousands of dollars learning, or
trying to learn, how this business of information
marketing works. I have been face to face with
experts and highly successful internet marketers.
But your course was the best. What made it unique
from my experience was that it was really directed
towards people who generally do not have a
background in self-promotion. In fact, those of us
from a healthcare background struggle with ethics
and legally on top of the whole complex field of
marketing and using the new technologies to our
advantage. You had a team of experts which were top
notch but you and the other participants made it
really happen because of the profoundness of your
questions. These questions became the "translator"
from the wonderful world of high tech to the world
of a healer. And, the approach with the topics was
systematic. In addition, your speakers recognized
that one cannot just leap in at the top of the
mountain and outlined the beginning steps. Marilee,
your teaching, as usual, is excellent and you have
tapped a niche that needs you! I would encourage any
healers wanting to stretch into information
marketing to absolutely take your course first!
Many thanks,
Maggie Burgisser |
Mary Pat FitzGibbons RN
Nurse Healer
"Hi! My name is Mary Pat FitzGibbons. I am a
nurse healer. That means that I divide my skills,
time between traditional nursing practice in home
care and a private healing practice where I use
Healing Touch, Young Living Essential Oils, Nikken
Magnet technology. I also teach.
"I want to let you know how much I enjoyed Marilee's
'Intro to Internet Marketing' course. It was a power
packed 6 weeks where I learned about writing
articles, e-books, press releases and how to setup
my web site for sales. I learned enough information
to keep me busy for months! I am an excellent
nurse/healer/teacher. But, marketing myself - that
is a foreign language. Marilee and her expert
friends, presented the information in
'how-t0-steps". And I now have expert resources
available to me. I am very confident that I can
start marketing myself on the Internet. Her class
was informative, lively and fun. I recommend it..
Thanks." |

Jeanie White RN, CHTP, HTI
Philadelphia, PA
Holistic Nurse
Jeanie White is a hospice nurse who helps
provide Complementary Therapies. She is also a
Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and has almost
completed her Healing Touch Instructor training.
"I just thought the internet marketing class that
Marilee presented was fabulous! It was so
professional, a virtual wealth of information.
I'm just really happy that I took it and I will be
implementing the information over time. I think
Marilee was generous with her information and we get
to repeat it if we want - I just thought it was
wonderful " | | |